
Making your dream happen

MarriageWeek 2025

We believe that your marriage is important

Making your dream happen!

How does MarriageWeek work?

Every year, MarriageWeek gives the couple the opportunity and the encouragement to focus on their relationship. We have long seen February 14th as an expression of romantic love, and Marriage Week embraces this important concept as well as giving a place for friendship, communication, forgiveness and fun. Those who are preparing for marriage, as well as those already married, will feel the encouragement to invest in their couple in a special way during the week. It would be unreasonable to suggest that divorce will disappear as a consequence, but undeniably such week can have a long standing impact on many couples.

MarriageWeek is an independent, non-profit association, with clear goals for encouraging your ongoing relationship. Activites are largely managed by volounteers.

One week – every year – so simple

Information material for getting started

Flipbook MarriageWeek

MarriageWeek Flipbook

Flipbook (you are leaving this site)

Explore and understand how Marriage Week works with this short presentation